
Panic Blog

Coda 2.0.7 Beta 1, Cabel

December 4th, 2012

It’s minor, but we thought our deepest Coda fans could give Coda 2.0.7 a whirl.

If you’re interested, grab Coda 2.0.7b1 here (51MB).

UPDATE 12/10: The beta has ended. The app has been released for direct customers and submitted to Apple.

Notable changes: improved stability and syntax highlighting performance.

If you find issues, promptly report them thoroughly via Hive!

PS: We also recently solicited, via Twitter, testers for Transmit w/iCloud and Dropbox Favorites Sync (coming soon!), and a new Panic iPad app that’s all about Status. You should follow us!

Posted at 3:17 pm 6 Comments

Will Transmit iCloud Favorites Sync witch Coda iCloud Favorites? That would be great, other wise I have to enter all my sites again one by one, that would suck :)

@martin, you can easily import you Coda sites into Transmit. Just open Transmit, go to Favorites -> Import from, and choose Coda.

The Coda2 Navigator will finally support HTML documents!? :)

How can Coda 2 inspecting a localhost file, for retrieving a lesscss properties on html’s elements ?

make it easy to work with localhost without those mamps :)

This looks like the best way to implement a transition from traditional filesystem access to sandboxing – very clear and defined.
What might be the problems encountered if you were developing a new app from scratch with Sandboxing? Would there be easier ways to design it were sandboxing not being implemented on an existing app?
Alex from